Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hutches & Armoires


I'm in a "re-do" mood right now.  
Suddenly the matte palette of grays isn't making me happy
any longer.  I want COLOR again.

& because I have SO much collected stuff from decades,
"stuff" which is really good stuff, I need more storage
for all these beauties.

so some of the farm-house looks I've been thinking about:



there are many many many "antique" shops, flea markets, in and around Houston, & I'm looking to up-cycle something, maybe something no one else wants,
lacquer it, light it, make it pop !!

I have a great furniture guy (who is in a rock band at night), he does perfect work, but one never knows when he'll be finished.  He just calls up and says he's bringing the pieces.
He does upholstery in the most brilliant way, makes all my pillows, and is totally dedicated
to his craft, which pays the bills while he's trying to become a rock star.

what started this is a Kantha Quilt
which is a kinda washed-out pale yellow with chinoiserie-like
flowers & birds...which, coincidentally, happens to blend
very very very well with a beautiful upholstered Bergere chair
I've had for a long time.  This quilt is going over my sofa,
which is currently gray silk (not one bit practical), so that
my grands and my dog can be comfortable.

Voila, the COLOR I wanted.

And, then the chest.

It will change the entire scheme of things around here,\
& I'm looking forward to it.

What do you guys think?

Did you see  President Trump's rally last night in Louisiana?
He brought the entire Little League Baseball Team, World
Champions, who are from Louisiana, on Air Force 1 along with him for the ride.  The most special gesture, I think.
Then he had them on stage with him.

He said some words I wish he hadn't said, but with the absolute lack of can't didates on the Dem side, I do not have a choice.

On the flip side of this, I actually believe he has done a great many good things for our country.  I wish we had a congress
who would work together, but it is what it is, until 
decide to change it by VOTING.


Have a beautiful weekend.
It's in the 50's f today in Houston.



  1. You are "brilliant" in so many ways! Hopefully, the "silent majority" will be enough. My kantha, too, has been on the bed, sofa, tablecovering! franki


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