Sunday, October 23, 2016

Turquoise & Orange, Who Would Have Thunk It?

Texas, the home of the University of Texas
Longhorns, their colors is
so in these parts everyone (except Aggies) has something
burnt orange!

so here's my take on Fall's "concept" outfit(s)
featuring burnt orange & turquoise with browns/tans.

this is something I would wear all the time, I think!
& I went to a girl's school in Virginia!

See Splenderosa's Handbag & Jewelry to Accessorize

this killer bag
 in the shop HERE

do you like this set?
would you wear it?


  1. Absolutely I would. That is a great colour combination.

  2. YES! Autumnal colors are MY jewel tones that have intense depth and staying power. Marsha, these are marvelous!

  3. NO, not my colors

  4. Love itπŸ’• Perfect for Scottsdale very SW colors
    I wanted the Bluemarine sweater darn it's sold out 😫
    Kris in Seattle


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