Thursday, February 21, 2019

Falling in Love

“Plant life

I am NOT an "old tin tray" kind of girl.

But I love the look of this little vignette.
Absolutely love it !!

And, best part is that at Cornelius Nursery, just down a way from me,
they have these little herb topiaries for sale.

I already walk around the house with a misting bottle for the orchids and other
houseplants, so it would be easy for me to care for these little beauties.

And, what do you think about using them as dining table decor for a very
casual dinner party for my girlfriends?

with the Granny Smith apples & limes ?

Houston has had the most spectacular weather for the last 3 days, very crisp & cool,
sun shining brightly, and Bono & I enjoyed being outdoors so much.

Today:  very cloudy, misting rain, about 50f, windy.
Not a good day for dogs at all.
Or my hair !!

let us pray our country can come together again.
what's happening today is so far from normal it makes me sick.
we are AMERICANS !

AMERICANS stick together!

we work to make things right, not only in our country but all around the world.
oh yes, there have been many mistakes, but we hold our head's up and get on with it.

I'm listening to Bossa Nova music all day because the "news" is so unreal.
please believe me, it's UNREAL.

with Andrew McCabe's revalations we should all be shocked !

shocked that an employee of our government, and maybe many employees,
could actually think they had the authority, or the right, to engage in a plot

it doesn't matter what you think of our  POTUS.

what matters at this point is that a group of men/women actually were so drunk on power they
tried to over-throw, over-ride, circumvent our elections.

this should scare all of you.  even the ones who don't like President Trump.

this is sedition pure & simple.

& we thought it couldn't happen here !!!


  1. I like a bit of rustic now and then. Lovely photo. The current situation should indeed be a warning sign, a harbinger of things to come. Look around the world. This is how it starts. My brother in law dated Miss Venezuela in the 1970's. A lovely young woman from a country steeped in tradition and wealth. This shows just how far things can go, when unchecked, that country went to ruin. Many are pooh-poohing his comments because he is trying to sell a book, but make no mistake, there was danger afoot, still is. And I agree, like him or not, DT was duly elected. Again, we all know who sits at the table of decisions in this movement. Stop glamorizing them, another one is creeping in...stay awake America.

    1. Thank you so much !!! My biggest fear is that those of us of a certain age REMEMBER things in the past. Our new generations don't know one thing about history, anywhere. Scary X10! I didn't like Obama at all, but I, nor any of my friends, made noise about his presidency. Somebody elected Obama, although I can't find a single person I know who will admit it. McCabe will be protected financially via the other despots. Did you know the Clinton Foundation donors gave $10 Million to Comey? Didn't think so.

  2. A very concerted effort is in effect to divide America. It saddens me to my core.

    1. Yes, JoAnn, and e all need to be vigilant in our own neighborhoods. OMG, look at what just got elected to Congress !!!

  3. I respectfully disagree...if they thought he was dangerous, breaking the law, hurting people, disrespecting the office of the presidency,do you think they should remain silent and simply ignore it? I think we all have a duty to hold elected officials responsible to the people. Being the president of any country does not (in my opinion) allow you to be disrespectful, ignorant, law breaking, etc. etc.

    1. I think the point I was making is that the Congress can come together, agree on something and start IMPREACHMENT proceedings. The UNELECTED men who have run this scheme are POLITICAL OPERATIVES, not elected by anyone. Employees. If they thought all these things why didn't they go to the Congress? There is a procedure for everything in our government and "they" certainly did not ascribe to any procedure. This is sedition pure and simple. Look it up, please. Thank you for reading my usually unpolitical blog. xx's

    2. I still think that everyone who sees a wrong should act on it. Elected or not. I have no horse in this race, I don't live in your country (thank god!) I can tell you that others look at your country and shake their heads at what is going on. Sad that the Americans themselves don't see it the way the rest of the world sees it. Maybe someday...they will.

    3. I wish I knew where you are. I appreciate your thoughts on this very much and would like to continue communication with you. I travel quite a lot, for pleasure, and I have many international friends. So I welcome your thoughts. I, too, am completely appalled at our politicians behavior. The only thing we, the people, can do is VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. It sounds like you don't approve of our President. Many people don't. However, he was elected by us and he has 4 years to serve. I, too, think wrongs should be reported and acted upon, however, as I said before: there is a system in place already, one where the Congress of the USA can take up the decisions. This singular rule was abused by un-elected employees who fully expected Hillary Clinton to win the election. This has been a cover-up from the beginning, a cover-up of crimes by the Clinton Foundation and of both Hillary and her family and high-up supporters. That, in itself, is a crime.

  4. Yes, I'm with you, definitely 'let us pray'.

  5. The Rule of Law. You are naive, Marcia. Donald Trump is a Russian asset, whether he knows it or not. He needs to be watched closely. He has done so much damage to our country already. He is an uneducated, narcissistic, power hungry boy. He should have been impeached by now. If any other president had done this, it would have been over. Our govenment has become corrupt.

    1. No, I am not naive at all. What damage has he caused? He is not uneducated. He is watched by almost every news media in this country who reports daily on what their OPINION of him is. Not the new, but their opinions. I don't know if he's narcissistic. I think he wanted to be President because he thought he could make a positive difference, a difference to the benefit of Americans. Not anyone else, just us, Americans! He has donee nothing to be impeached. NOTHING!!! And, please believe me, little one, corruption is the key problem, especially the followers of Hillary and Obama, who still cannot believe that another person actually won the election. He is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He deserves our support in the international arena, where he has done so much good. But, I forgot, those of you on the other side don't & won't listen. You guys believe propaganda. I know the truth.

  6. Marsha, I'm just now catching up with your posts. I would like to know after almost two years of investigation, where Margy has found evidence of the president being a Russian asset. What is her definition of a Russian asset? Where are there grounds for impeachment? You cannot simply impeach a president because you don't like him. He or she can be voted out of office. What is the "this" that he has done, that would have ended it for any other president?


Please know how much I value your comments. I read every single one and do hope you will take the time to leave your thoughts. I think InstaGram with the Emojis have taken a lot away from blogging, but I love IG too.