Monday, April 15, 2019

TV Shows I Watch

LaLaLand Collection
clickable icon on left

Image result for Billions

Totally in LOVE with this series on Showtime, every Sunday night, and it repeats.
Wall Street Tycoons, the Justice Department, Sex, Family, yada yada yada
don't know why it's never been nominated for any TV award because it's
as good as The Sopranos, without the violence.
Damien Lewis, the  Tycoon, is absolutely wonderful, but then everyone in the cast is superb
in their roles.

and this one makes me laugh out loud

Image result for the good girls the show

also on Sunday night.

I just record them and watch when I know I won't be interrupted.  
it's MY time.

Anyone else addicted ????

1 comment:

  1. Just completed "The Guardian"...EXCELLENT!! Simon Baker...*sigh* franki


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