Monday, February 28, 2011

My Son's Jewelry Photography

Arriving at my door early this morning was my precious
son, Steve Harris, the photographer of some note...
in hand a new disk of jewelry pics he took for
his mother, me.

What you are seeing below is
3 separate necklaces which
nest together as a set...
all medium to medium long,
all casual for spring/summer.


center necklace


he had no instruction from me on how to shoot
our work.

 I know it's beautiful artistic photography, showing
perfection of detail, in a very unusual setting.

Does it make you want to "look" into this further?

What do you guys think? 
xx's my friends


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  1. As someone who knows a little about jewelry photography, I can say that this is wonderful work!

  2. Marsha, The creative apple doesn't fall far from the mama tree!!! Both are beautiful.
    xo Yvonne

  3. Now this is where the creative minds blend together,isn't it? I'm hopelessly in love
    with my Nikon D90 and learning more everyday.
    Photography to me is about taking the ordinary
    and turning it to extraordinary. I've been so
    pleased with how objects can be turned to art
    with the push of the finger. :0)

    Your son and you have loads of talent. ♥

    Have a wonderful day Marsha...
    Stephanie ♥

  4. Lovely!! Both the photography and the jewelry - you just keep getting better and better!! Can't wait for mine!!

  5. I would say that your son has a great eye for fine photography and I love the new necklaces!

    Art by Karena

  6. You must be so proud and have a son who has inherited his Mum's artistic brilliance!

  7. Dear Marsha, I think the jewellery is stunning, I love the turquoise and Steve has done a wonderful job shooting them xx


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