Friday, August 17, 2018

Something You Didn't Know

I didn't know this, and because it's so special I just had to share with you guys:

Mule nannies are used in Italy when grazing animals are moved from high pastures down to the plains. Newborn lambs are unable to make the journey own their own. 
They ride in pouches of a specially made saddle. 
At rest stops lambs are returned to their mothers for a meal & some nuzzling.

just look at these babies in those tiny pouches ! 


  1. That is precious. Who would have thought?

    1. I was just thrilled to find this photo with the information.
      LOVE those Italians !!

  2. Oh! I didn't know either! I love it, thank you!

  3. Is this your photograph? It is not only sweet but wonderful

    1. No, it isn't my photo. I think I found it on TUMBLR. However, if you look it up I'll bet you can find more info on "Mule Nannies" in Italy. I thought it was the most wonderful thing I'd seen in a LONG time. Imagine the people who thought of this.


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