Monday, May 27, 2019

Happy Tuesday

this open kitchen makes me so happy.
in my former home we had a courtyard much like this, leading out and around to the
beautiful garden area and pool.  this part of the yard was fenced so that the doggies
couldn't get out to the bigger yard beyond because the 2 Labrador sisters literally
went swimming and then took off to visit the neighbors.
we had a tiny  little creek area behind, mostly it was dry, but after rains it trickled down through the neighborhood.  the big dogs jumped across this like deer.

my Poodle, FiFi, used to sit in the courtyard, on her hammock, soak up the sun,
we would leave the door open for her because she had separation anxiety and could not enjoy
the outdoors unless she knew she could come indoors.

I used to spend time making certain this little area was perfect, even washing black rocks under the downspout, tending the many containers filled with flowers, trimming with fingernail sissors.

it was very gratifying.
I know you know.

do you know what it feels like to actually celebrate Memorial Day in the way it was 
meant to be?

now that I'm older, I truly feel it.

all of us should give thanks we live in the USA, 
that we are Americans, 

even if our opinions on politics 
and room decor are different.

in politics, it all changes, just give it time.
President's have term limits,
I just wish Congress had the same so we wouldn't have dino's serving for 40 years.

we need YOUNG, FRESH ideas, and YOUNG, FRESH people,
people who are not compromised by the tenure of office, and the DC slime.

all of us NEED to get along, this country is divided because of
the media and the politics.

should they have the right to inflict this upon us?

or, maybe we should be more like this:

“ suuuuuuuuup doggie !
hey mr. moose :)

hi there !
I think we could be friends...
you smell just fine


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