Thursday, December 12, 2019


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Not entirely certain I know exactly what this means,
but if it means seeing a man once, having him tell me that
it's the best day of his life, and then NEVER hearing from
him again...then I'VE BEEN GHOSTED.

I don't really care.
But, I don't get it at all.

I mean, what's the point?
Why would someone tell you that and then disappear?


anyway, that was a couple of years ago and I suddenly thought of it again today.  my daughter and I were talking and she said "gaslighted."  not certain I know what that is either.

The internet has caused young people to cut short all of our
congratulations is now congrats
adorable is now adorbs
& on & on

& I'm not at all sure I like it.
plus, does it sound silly for someone my age to say "adorbs!"

Life, my life, that a mess right now.
I've met a new guy. 
don't know what to make of it yet.
and, God forbid, he tells me "it's the best day of my life."

ZigZagging through the holidays.
there are 5 of us in my condo building who are hostesssing
a progressive cocktail buffet party coming up soon.
WE are having lots of fun planning the menu, drinks, decorations, etc.  
It's only for a few residents here + our friends outside the building, so it should be fun.

My Maltese, Bono, is not going to like staying in the bedroom
while the fun is going on !!!

Merry Christmas, girlfriends.


  1. Congratulations (no congrats from me,just imagine reading Shakespeare with these new words,but of course who reads him now) for tne new man, don't worry about what it all means, one day at the time is all we have to enjoy, and men are a small part of it !!!

    When I entertain I keep my Havanese Sophie in one of these big crate s in the corner of the family room among all the crowd, not very attractive but it makes her feel secure and away from too enthusiastic people, without making her feel abandoned. Have a wonderful time enjoying the Holidays.

  2. YOU GO GAL (instincts rule!) franki

  3. Loved your post - as usual. I heard this and thought of you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. I love your post! So sorry about the ghost. It could be a good thing - he wasn't worthy of you beautiful friend. You will know when the right guy is around. Have a great time!!!!


Please know how much I value your comments. I read every single one and do hope you will take the time to leave your thoughts. I think InstaGram with the Emojis have taken a lot away from blogging, but I love IG too.