Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday's Thoughts


thankfully, Brad WON for his acting !
could have done without the "Bolton" comment,
however, I forgive him because this OSCAR was LONG OVERDUE, in my opinion.

well, we all knew he would win because, after all, NO ONE ELSE
could have done his performance.

being an animal lover, and a non-meat/dairy eater,
I wholeheartedly approved of his ethical statements on
animal care. InstaGram has taught me so much about
hideous practices of ANIMAL 'PRODUCTION'
well, people, this MUST STOP.
like he said, there are so many alternatives.


she looked beautiful, totally a "star" which was the
performance for JUDY.


who doesn't love Laura Dern?
& heer speech was splendid & so loving.

The South Korean film must be quite good, even though I probably will never see it. I do approve of the awards being given to them, as it shows how inclusive "society" in general has become.  I hope North Korea was watching, thinking they could be in the same place IF they listened to reason.

However, Quentin & Marty both directed great films.
I really really really did not like the theme of 
way to violent for me.
Al Pacino & Joe Pesci were both brilliant, but not as
brilliant as Brad.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
was a quintessential  Quentin film, Leo's presentation of his
character was multiplied X10, he looked worse than even
in the Revenant, which was funny in itself, and he went from one extreme to the other in behaviors.  Set in a time we almost don't remember, a down-and-out TV star seeks work in film.
The ending. I can only tell you, it surprises.
Because it's Quentin.

The outfits.
Renee looked beautiful.
Jane Fonda looked beautiful.
Rooney Mara was splendid.
the rest:  the outfits didn't fit the occasion or didn't suit the woman.  
Maybe at the after-party they changed & there were MORE people in lovely outfits. I'll tell you what I think once I see them.

love to all of you on this Monday morning.


1 comment:

Please know how much I value your comments. I read every single one and do hope you will take the time to leave your thoughts. I think InstaGram with the Emojis have taken a lot away from blogging, but I love IG too.